
In these pages last November,
around the time the president gave his Veterans Day speech and John Murtha, the previously hawkish congressman from Pennsylvania,
caused a firestorm by suggesting we ought to get at least our troops out of Iraq and do this Iraq thing a different way, in
Things Coming to a Head there was a reference to the third volume of the C. S. Lewis "Perelandra" trilogy, That Hideous Strength (1945), where
one of the characters says this –
If you dip into any college,
or school, or parish, or family - anything you like - at a given point in its history, you always find that there was a time
before that point when there was more elbow room and contrasts weren't quite so sharp; and that there's going to be a time
after that point when there is even less room for indecision and choices are even more momentous. Good is always getting better
and bad is always getting worse: the possibilities of even apparent neutrality are always diminishing. The whole thing is
sorting itself out all the time, coming to a point, getting sharper and harder.
Back then, Thursday, November
17, 2005, seemed like a day full of "the possibilities of even apparent neutrality" diminishing really fast. (Oh yes, as before,
you can learn about the CS Lewis book here, if you're into theological science fiction.)
But Lewis was right - elbow room disappearing is a continuous process
as things get "sharper and harder" day by day, month after month, and in America today too, as if the current administration
wants it to be so, in some kind of "final showdown" way. Call it governing by confrontation, and in foreign policy, replacing
diplomacy with carefully stage-managed public conflict.
Maybe it's a Texas thing. You get done what you need to get
done with your squinty-eyed look and threats, and sometimes you shoot.
The problem is, as we see with Iran - Iran Threatens To Strike At US Targets If Attacked. If you want to bring something to a head the other side sometimes doesn't back down like they're supposed to.
now we have a domestic example. The president's opponents have a large bill of particulars, from telling us we had to war
because of the nuclear and chemical and biological weapons we could prove Iraq had in stock, which turned out not to exist,
and now we know all the warnings that they didn't exist were dismissed, to the various scandals, almost too many to mention,
to the claims the president has the right to ignore this law or that, to the far less than half-hearted response to Hurricane
Katrina, to the Dubai ports deal, and so on and so forth. The president's opponents - rather than caving in to all the claims
that being bothered by any of this means that they just "hate America" and are, in effect, "on the side of the terrorists"
- are not rolling over and seem to be willing to say "not so fast." Two can play that game.
There seems to be a basic,
conceptual flaw in the "intimidation model" for getting what you want. Projecting power and refusing to compromise were, we
were told, what would win the day in Iraq and cow North Korea into dropping their push to build nuclear weapons, and what,
we are being told now, will force Iran to back down from their efforts to do that too. It doesn't work, and there's no evidence
it ever has. But we are told it always works, and that it's the only solution to get what we want.
Anyone can see
it has the opposite effect, but we are told that's just because we just haven't been intimidating enough, so far, and the
bad guys sense some of us want to compromise, so that dilutes the effect. So we must show more resolve, and the thoughtful
and questioning should just shut up, as they're ruining everything. Well, maybe so. There's always a first time for everything.
In the history of the world this "intimidation model" has never worked even once. But it sounds good, if you're from Texas.
As a grand experiment in redefining who we are and how the world works, it is interesting in a theoretical way. It's
something new, and captured in the core doctrine of "preemptive war" - we reserve the right to wage war on any nation on earth
that sometime in the future might act in a way that threatens us, and we'll use our own secret evidence of what they might
do one day and no one else's. The neoconservatives and their easily manipulated and somewhat clueless president really do
have bold ideas. Confusing "bold" with "sound" seems to be at issue, of course. It's an easy mistake to make.
As for
the purely domestic example of "push-back" that really isn't supposed to happen, there's new talk of impeachment. It seems
someone looked in the user manual, the constitution, and found that the framers, in assigning rights to the states to balance
the powers of the federal government, added a curious provision - if both houses of any state legislature vote that the president
should be impeached, congress must take it up and hold hearings. And there's a move in both Illinois and Vermont to do just
that, as noted here in the Boston Globe. The modern conservative movement made its bones on "states rights" - fighting integration and
fluoridation and nationally-mandated Daylight Savings Time and all the rest - and the irony here is delicious. Not that anything
will come of it. Vermont may be able to pull it off, maybe, but in Washington the Republican-controlled House will schedule
the required hearings for sometime in 2025, or later. Still, it's push-back, Texas-style, from Vermont.
And then there's
this, a discussion of a short speech that Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia gave on the floor when everyone came back from
their two-week Easter break –
"Despite more than two
centuries of pressures to change and 'modernize,' the Senate, as an institution, remains remarkably similar to the body created
at the Constitutional Convention in 1787," Byrd said. "It retains all of its original powers, including providing advice and
consent - yes. You said it. You better read that again in the Constitution. It retains all of its original powers, including
providing advice and consent to presidents on nominations and on treaties, serving as a court of impeachment. You better believe
it, Mr. President. The Senate can send you home. You better believe that. If the House impeaches you, the Senate will try
So the old coot from West
Virginia talks Texan too. The president a few years back, when asked what he thought about all the folks fighting us in Iraq
long after we had "won" and whether we could handle that without increasing the number of troops we had there, famously said
there was no problem - "Bring it on." Two can play that game.
But the other side is supposed to back down, isn't it?
You can almost hear the befuddled anger at the White House. What's wrong with these people? Don't they know how things work?
What could this mean?
It could mean that the days of "shock and awe" as both a military tactic, and a political
one, seem to be passing. Yeah, we captured Baghdad brilliantly and the regime of Saddam Hussein fell quite nicely, but "shock
and awe" are not very effective long-term tools. There's resentment, and blow-back. The neoconservative might claim it's just
not fair, as the tactic is so impressive. Maybe we should do more of it and see if it still works. But it just doesn't. That's
life. And on the political side, the bold and audacious radical remake of who we are and how things work, with its own "shock
and awe," turns out to be only useful in the short term. Either way you create insurgents - a nasty army of the resentful.
And they fight back.
So C. S. Lewis was onto something - things come to a point, "getting sharper and harder." The
process continues.
How does the president respond now?
For that you might go read Sidney Blumenthal on how
he sees the White House.
The passion of George W. Bush "The president doesn't care that he is reviled. He is a martyr, and someday all will see his glory. Meanwhile, he's got
Karl doing his dirty work." April 27, 2006, SALON.COM
That opens with this –
The urgent dispatch of
Karl Rove to the business of maintaining one-party rule in the midterm elections is the Bush White House's belated startle
reflex to its endangerment. Besieged by crises of his own making, plummeting to ever lower depths in the polls week after
week, Bush has assigned his political general to muster dwindling forces for a heroic offensive to break out of the closing
ring. If the Democrats gain control of the House or Senate they will launch a thousand subpoenas to establish the oversight
that has been abdicated by the Republican Congress.
In his acceptance speech before the Republican National Convention
in 2004, the "war president" spoke of "greatness" and "resolve" and repeatedly promised "a safer world" and "security," and
compared himself "to a resolute president named Truman." Afterward, Bush declared he had had his "accountability moment";
further debate was unnecessary; the future was settled.
But Rove's elaborate design for Republican rule during the
second term has collapsed under the strain of his grandiosity. In 2004, Rove galvanized "the base" (ironically, "al-Qaida"
in Arabic) through ruthless divide-and-conquer and slash-and-burn tactics.
This is followed by a great
deal of discussion of Rove, but gets interesting when it gets beyond that one man –
For Rumsfeld and Cheney
the final days of the Bush administration are the endgame. They cannot expect positions in any future White House. Since the
Nixon White House, when counselor Rumsfeld and his deputy Cheney watched the self-destruction of the president, they have
plotted to reach the point where they would impose the imperial presidency that Nixon was thwarted from doing. Both men held
ambitions to become president themselves. The Bush years have been their opportunity, their last one, to run a presidency.
Through the agency of the son of one of their colleagues from the Ford White House, George H.W. Bush (whom President Ford
considered but passed over for his vice president and chief of staff, giving the latter job to Cheney), they have enabled
their notion of executive power. But the fulfillment of their idea of presidential power is steadily draining the president
of strength. Their 30-year-long project on behalf of autocracy has merely produced monumental incompetence.
Yet Rumsfeld
and Cheney do not really care. Bad public opinion polls do not concern them. Their ambition is near its end. They want to
use their remaining time accumulating as much power in an unaccountable executive as possible.
And as for the president
The more beleaguered
Bush becomes, the more he is flattered by his advisors with comparisons to great men of history whose foresight and courage
were not always appreciated in their own times. Abraham Lincoln is one favorite. Another is Harry Truman, who established
the framework of Cold War policy but left office during the Korean War deeply unpopular with poll ratings sunk in the 20s.
Lately, Bush sees himself in the reflected light of Winston Churchill, bravely standing against appeasers. "Never give in
- never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in," Churchill said in 1941 as Britain
stood alone against the Nazis. "Bush tells his out-of-town visitors to think of how history will judge his administration
twenty years hence and not to worry about setbacks in Iraq," conservative columnist Arnaud de Borchgrave writes.
The greater the stress the more Bush denies its cause. In his end time he has risen above his policy and is transcending politics.
In his life as president he has decided his scourging is his sanctification. Bush will be a martyr resurrected. The future
will unfold properly for all the wisdom of his decisions, based on fervent faith, upheld by his holy devotion. Criticism and
unpopularity only confirm to him his bravery and his critics' weakness. Being reviled is proof of his righteousness. Inevitably,
decades hence, people will grasp his radiant truth and glory. Such is the passion of George W. Bush.
Could this be so? Is this
where ruthless divide-and-conquer and slash-and-burn tactics end up, with an apparent failure muttering to himself that nothing
in the polls matter, that most of the world's nations now at best don't trust America but more generally see America as both
foolish and dangerous doesn't matter, that the enormous federal deficit and massive trade deficits don't matter, that the
scandals don't matter - history will prove him right? "The whole thing is sorting itself out all the time, coming to a point,
getting sharper and harder." Cold comfort. One wonders if uses the "history will prove me right" line on his father, the president
who decided against taking Baghdad.
And the hits just keep coming.
Wednesday, April 26, was the surprise testimony
of Karl Rove, this for the for the fifth time before the grand jury investigating the Valerie Plame case. It seems the "intimidation
model" may not have worked so well there, having the team go after her husband, who revealed embarrassing things, by leaking
to the press that his wife was a CIA agent and set the whole thing up to get him out of the house. Now that gets sticky.
Washington Post has details of what it was all about here, but it's very complicated. Kevin Drum untangles it all nicely here, or you might go to a famous defense attorney here. It comes down to Rove probably bargaining for lesser charges, but being charged none the less, and Fitzgerald works his
way up through Stephen Hadley to Vice President Cheney. This wasn't supposed to happen. When you're indicted for a crime you
sort of have to leave office. Who will be left?
Then there's this - "Investigators for the European Parliament said Wednesday that data gathered from air safety regulators showed that the
CIA had flown 1,000 undeclared flights over Europe since 2001, sometimes stopping on the Continent to transport terrorism
suspects kidnapped inside the European Union to countries using torture."
From Reuters, this –
A senior EU lawmaker
on Wednesday backed accusations the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency had kidnapped and illegally detained terrorism suspects
on EU territory and flown them to countries that used torture.
"The CIA has, on several occasions, clearly been responsible
for kidnapping and illegally detaining alleged terrorists on the territory of (EU) member states, as well as for extraordinary
renditions," Claudio Fava said in his first interim report of the European Parliament's probe into the suspected CIA abuses.
No one was supposed to
know, and the cooperating people within certain governments were supposed to keep quiet. Too many things are coming out.
a good number of Americans think kidnapping and torture are just fine, as these people aren't like us but merely depraved
evil devils. We are the people who did the Salem witch trails in the seventeenth century. We get it. Who cares what the Europeans
think? And whatever it was we did it was only to keep us safe, and that's our right, and we're the good guys. Right.
there are other things.
Will people, angry over the high price of gasoline these days, put two and two together and
figure out that if you go to war with a major oil producing country you take maybe thirty percent of the world's oil out of
production for a time, and in this case the time has stretched to over three years. That might make for tight supplies and,
as a result, high prices. World demand is high and the insurgents keep blowing up the pipelines in Iraq, and making the rebuilding
of the refineries and ports damned hard. They were supposed to greet us as liberators and we'd be out in six months, as Rumsfeld
said, with Ahmed Chalabi running the place for us. Should have happened, but didn't. If people think about the crude removed
from the market, as the result of the long war, as they're now calling it, and see the enormous profits from Exxon-Mobile
and the rest, and think about the president and vice president coming from the oil industry... this could be trouble.
at least there's a new White House press spokesman, that fellow from Fox News, Tony Snow. A well-spoken and well-liked new press secretary, energetic and photogenic, can explain it all.
What's to say about
that? He has a hard job, of course. Yes, he comes straight from pro-Bush Fox News, which is more of a political movement than
a news network, but that hardly matters. The White House would hardly pick Dan Rather or Bill Moyers, and Snow has been blunt
at times in the past. He'll do. He's rather pleasant. He has a nice smile and a good sense of humor. And he will tell us what?
Walter Shapiro imagines that here –
Question: Karl Rove is
making his fifth appearance in front of the grand jury today. And I'm wondering how you would characterize its effect on the
administration? Is it a disruption, a distraction?
Press Secretary: Actually, it's a great tension release mechanism
around here. We all have a great laugh imagining Karl sharing a cell with Tom DeLay and Kenny Lay. Of course, we try not to
make those jokes when Karl's around. But then we don't see much of him, since he's constantly with his lawyers or sitting
in a darkened office muttering about running off to Tahiti to write a McKinley biography.
Question: What do you think
the impact is going to be at the gas pump of relaxing environmental rules, and how soon do you think that will show up?
Secretary: Is the Twelfth of Never soon enough for you? If the inky-dinky spider fell down the water spout, we'd use that
as an excuse to relax environmental rules. But seriously, no president - Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative -
can do much about gas prices in the short run. It's like King Canute trying to command the tides.
Question: Has the
president been briefed at all on the CIA's firing of Mary McCarthy for allegedly leaking classified information? Does he have
any reaction to this?
Press Secretary: Look, it's not coincidental that the most leak-obsessed president in history
has named the most leak-obsessed CIA director. It's also not coincidental that the first victim of this internal investigation
happens to be somebody who donated $2,000 to John Kerry in 2004. As far as the president is concerned personally, he's totally
in favor of finding out the truth. As long as it doesn't come too close to the Oval Office.
Question: How would the
president assess his final 1,000 days in office?
Press Secretary: Like a prison sentence.
Question: Does the
president support Senator Clinton's move to have the generals who are calling for Secretary Rumsfeld's ouster testify before
the Senate Armed Services Committee?
Press Secretary: This administration rarely supports Hillary Clinton on anything,
of course. But we would even let Laura and Barbara Bush testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee if it would convince
Don Rumsfeld to quit. In case you haven't noticed, we are at an impasse here. One of President Bush's most admirable human
qualities is his reluctance to fire anyone. One of Secretary Rumsfeld's least admirable qualities is his refusal to take a
hint. I'll let all of you in the press room connect the dots.
Question: What does the president plan to do differently
between now and November to get Republicans elected or reelected?
Press Secretary: Raise money in private for any
Republican who asks and avoid appearing in public with any Republican who has serious opposition. If you've got another strategic
idea for us, please call Karl. That is, if you can find him.
Question: The president made a phone call to Canadian
Prime Minister Harper on the weekend? Can you tell us the contents of that call?
Press Secretary: About all I know
is that the conversation was short. Very short. With all the problems facing President Bush, do you think he cares about the
mood of Moose Jaw?
Question: Just a personal question, just wondering how you're feeling today with this transition,
what your plans are for the future? What do you want to do when you grow up?
Press Secretary: I feel envious of my
predecessor Ari Fleischer for so wisely getting out in time. I feel pity for my successor who doesn't fully understand how
hard it is in this White House to be allowed to say anything publicly. I feel a trifle bitter that the president I have so
loyally served set me up to fail in this job. I feel hopeful that I will be rewarded in the private sector for all the abuse
I have taken in this room. And, most of all, I feel sorry for all of you in the press corps who somehow cling to the illusion
that asking a White House press secretary - any press secretary - a snarky question at a televised briefing is an exercise
in uncovering the truth.
Well, it will be an interesting
But the fact remains, there was a time "when there was more elbow room and contrasts weren't quite so sharp"
and "there's going to be a time after that point when there is even less room for indecision and choices are even more momentous."
Of course "the whole thing is sorting itself out all the time, coming to a point, getting sharper and harder."
may be the grand experiment in governing by intimidation. And it's too bad it just doesn't work.

