
Thursday, January 12th,
being a Thursday, was set aside for the usual - a photo shoot for the weekend edition of Just Above
Sunset - driving around Hollywood, camera at the ready, seeking the unusual - and the last day of the Alito
hearings burbled way on the car radio, or at least the last day of questioning. There will be one more day for "witnesses,"
who will say he's a fine fellow, or not. The Democrats have some grumpy people lined up. Alito won't be there. But the general
consensus is the man will take his seat on the Supreme Court (one of the many "consensus" stories here, as if it matters). He revealed little, and nothing dramatic happened - his wife didn't leave in tears and no senators shouted
at each other, as they did the previous day. Ah well, the questions were good, and the answers extraordinarily careful and
masterfully non-committal.
But there was much talk, in the breaks, of this - "Supreme Court nominees are so mum about the major legal issues at their Senate confirmation hearings that the hearings
serve little purpose and should probably be abandoned, Democratic Senator Joe Biden said Thursday."
So the Senator
from Delaware, with that goofy smile and the too-perfect teeth, just up and said it. This was all a waste of time. Good for
him. It's often said that Washington is Hollywood for ugly people, and this did seem to be a lot of strutting and striking
valiant poses, and making what passes for splendid speeches these days, in one of these few times the members of this judiciary
committee ever get a national television audience. They played it for all it was worth. Alito just seemed glum. It wasn't
his show.
So those of us who follow politics and policy didn't really have to listen. Joe said so. Good. The jazz
station from Long Beach was doing a lot of old Horace Silver stuff. Much better.
There was other news.
There was what had been
knocking around the bottom of many a news page for days, first flagged by the Chicago Police. Did you know that for between
ninety and a hundred dollars you can get the cell phone records for any cell phone in America? If you have the name, and the
number (or sometimes just the name), you can get a list of all outgoing and incoming calls for anyone at all.
That couldn't be true. But it is, as here this fellow plunked down 89.95 and purchased the cell phone records of General Wesley Clark, who was one of the contenders
for the Democratic presidential nomination last time around. The fellow called the general and confirmed that the records
were just what they seemed. The calls placed are all there, with area codes and location and duration. And the incoming calls
are all there. The fellow is now working on buying the cell phone records of George Stephanopoulos, the former Clinton aide
who hosts the ABC "This Week" show, and those of the Washington Post's Dana Milbank, and the New York Time's
Adam Nagourney. Investigative journalism just got baroque - everyone will know who is talking to whom, and the date, and the
length of the call.
Who needs the NSA? Well, unlike the case with the NSA, those who buy these records won't know
just what was said.
The other implications? There may be a few more divorces. Suspicious spouses won't even need to
hire a private investigator. And will folks use their cell phones less? Will we see a return of pay phones, and phone booths?
Who knows? Expect legislation. The cell phone is too much a part of everyone's life these days.
Still, this is curious.
Privacy is for those who are very careful.
But putting all that aside, the most interesting stories of the day, other
than those hearings and this cell phone business, were military.
The Military
There was this - one of our generals invoked his right not to incriminate himself in a court-martial of two soldiers who maintain that they
were ordered to use dogs on prisoners at Abu Ghraib. There is, of course, the military, JAG equivalent of "taking the Fifth."
You cannot be expected to testify to something that may implicate you in a crime –
Maj. Gen. Geoffrey D.
Miller, a central figure in the U.S. detainee-abuse scandal, this week invoked his right not to incriminate himself in court-martial
proceedings against two soldiers accused of using dogs to intimidate captives at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, according
to lawyers involved in the case.
The move by Miller - who once supervised the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba, and helped set up operations at Abu Ghraib - is the first time the general has given an indication that he might
have information that could implicate him in wrongdoing, according to military lawyers.
Harvey Volzer, an attorney
for one of the dog handlers, has been seeking to question Miller to determine whether Miller ordered the use of military working
dogs to frighten detainees during interrogations at Abu Ghraib. Volzer has argued that the dog handlers were following orders
when the animals were used against detainees.
Miller's decision came shortly after Col. Thomas M. Pappas, the commanding
officer at Abu Ghraib, accepted immunity from prosecution this week and was ordered to testify at upcoming courts-martial.
Pappas, a military intelligence officer, could be asked to detail high-level policies relating to the treatment of detainees
at Abu Ghraib.
The implications are obvious.
Someone is not buying the "few bad apples" theory of how all this happened. We've moved into the realm of policy, and the
higher-ups are covering their asses, and Pappas may sing so he doesn't face charges. How high will this go? The torture and
abuse policy came from the top down, from Rumsfeld himself?
That would be interesting. This doesn't bode well for
the administration.
From the Post article - "'It would seem in light of General Miller's invocation that there's
more fire than smoke in terms of whether or not there was an authorized use of unlawful force,' said David P. Sheldon, an
expert on military law."
More fire than smoke is not good for the administration, at least for Rumsfeld.
some perspective –
The notion that torture
and detainee abuse would appear spontaneously at various locations around Iraq and Afghanistan, with common methods used throughout,
always defied common sense. And yet it worked. If you wanted to list the people with real responsibility for what happened,
for example Donald Rumsfeld, who by definition holds ultimate responsibility for the conduct of US armed forces, you'll find
a complete vacuum of accountability. Like a mafia family, it seemed like once you're 'made' nothing but death or betrayal
can bring you down. On top of the list of folks whose resignations seem long overdue is Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller, who oversaw
prison operations in Iraq during the worst of the abuse. Especially damning is the possibility that Miller was brought to
Iraq specifically to promote this kind of behavior at US detention facilities.
Yeah, he was an artillery
officer with no experience in running detention centers, but he got lots of information from the folks we held. It was all
crap, but the volume of information was amazing. It looked good. And now he's shut up. He's not talking, for good reason.
More perspective on Miller here from Andrew Sullivan –
He's the key figure in
the decision to introduce torture and abuse of detainees in the U.S. military. He's the one who set up the abuse program at
Guantanamo Bay and was then sent by Rumsfeld to "Gitmoize" Abu Ghraib. He's the one who told General Karpinski to treat detainees
"like dogs." He's the one who organized the framing of Muslim chaplain James Yee, after once confiding in Yee that he had
problems with Muslims in general. As usual, the Bush administration has done all it can to protect Miller, because he could
explain who, higher up in the administration, sanctioned torture and abuse. Secure that no one in the real chain of command
would contradict him, Miller has, in the past, cooperated with Pentagon investigations. Even so, the Fay report concluded
that he had recommended policies that contravened the Geneva Conventions, which were supposed to apply in Iraq.
And he's not talking.
Ric Erickson, editor of MetropoleParis - "He isn't? Why not, then, torture him? If he's got a good reason not to talk he must know something interesting. Toss him
in Leavenworth until he spills! Pull out his fingernails."
Leavenworth (Kansas) is home to both the famous prison
and the US Army General Staff College. Make up you own comment on that.
As for Pappas, the commanding officer at Abu
Ghraib, accepting immunity from prosecution this week, Jeralyn Merritt here digs up this from June 2004 in USA Today. This concerns Army Lieutenant Coronal Steven Jordan, the top military intelligence officer at
Abu Ghraib who oversaw interrogations, and summarizes what he said a sworn statement regarding one of our "ghost detainees"
who had died while being interrogated –
One of these detainees
died under questioning, a death that has become subject of an internal CIA investigation. Jordan said Pappas was concerned
about such a development and demanded a memorandum of understanding with the agency. Jordan quoted Pappas as saying, "Well,
if I go down, I'm not going down alone. The guys from Langley are going with me."
This should be interesting.
But this was minor story. If it eventually brings down Rumsfeld and Cheney, and exposes the real guidelines - the
"bad apples" were ordered to do what they did as a matter of secret prohibited-by-treaty-and-law policy - then the media will
fit it in somewhere. Fox News will cover the missing white woman in Aruba. She's still missing.
But the oddest story
to get play, against all this, is rather old. Perhaps this is because of a new poll - it seems only about nineteen percent of Americans think Iraqis can assemble a sound, democratic government in the next
twelve months - one that is able to maintain order without our help. Seventy-five percent said they didn't believe that would
ever happen. Bummer.
So when a senior British officer calls the US Army "its own worst enemy," people sit up and take
notice. Maybe there's another way to get this whole thing back on track.
This first got press notice in The Guardian
(UK) and the Sidney Morning Herald, and the story was picked up by the Washington Post (here, here and here , respectively).
The Guardian said "what is startling is the severity of his comments - and the decision by
Military Review, a US army magazine, to publish them." Well, Military Review is printed bi-monthly in English,
Spanish, and Portuguese, and quarterly in Arabic. Only twelve thousand copies are distributed. This is an obscure publication,
or was until now.
You can read the whole thing here - item 2 - Changing the Army for Counterinsurgency Operations (.PDF format and fourteen dense pages). It has two editorial
disclaimers up top –
- A virtue of having
coalition partners with a legacy of shared sacrifice during difficult military campaigns is that they can also share candid
observations. Such observations are understood to be professional exchanges among friends to promote constructive discussion
that can improve the prospects of the coalition successes for which all strive. It was in a constructive spirit, then, that
this article was made available to Military Review. The article is a professional commentary by an experienced officer based
on his experiences and background. It should also be understood that publishing this article does not imply endorsement of
or agreement with its observations by the Combined Arms Center leadership or Military Review. Indeed, some comments are already
dated and no longer valid. Nonetheless, this article does provide Military Review readers the thought-provoking assessments
of a senior officer with significant experience in counterterrorism operations. And it is offered in that vein - to stimulate
- This is a reprint of an article originally published in the "Seaford House Papers" and retains its original
punctuation, spelling, grammar, and paragraphing. The views herein do not reflect those of the United Kingdom, the US Army,
or Military Review.
That's a warning about
more than the spelling, grammar, and paragraphing. The magazine, the Army, and the British government are washing their hands
of this, although the magazine prints it. It's something to talk about.
The Guardian says what this Brigadier
Nigel Aylwin-Foster says reflects criticism and frustration voiced by British commanders of American military tactics. And
he was the second most senior officer responsible for training Iraqi security forces. A Brigadier, by the way, is the equivalent
of a one-star here.
What the verdict?
Plus: American soldiers were "almost unfailingly courteous and considerate."
Minus: At times "their cultural insensitivity, almost certainly inadvertent, arguably amounted to institutional racism."
Plus: The US army is imbued with an unparalleled sense of patriotism, duty, passion and talent.
Minus: "Yet
it seemed weighed down by bureaucracy, a stiflingly hierarchical outlook, a predisposition to offensive operations and a sense
that duty required all issues to be confronted head-on."
And he says our Army has a wonderful "can-do" approach -
but that leads directly to another trait, "damaging optimism."
Optimism isn't always realistic or good? Phone George
and tell him.
The idea is all this "is unhelpful if it discourages junior commanders from reporting unwelcome news
up the chain of command."
The idea here is what the Brits have long said - US military commanders have failed to train
and educate their soldiers in the art of counter-insurgency operations and the need to cultivate the "hearts and minds" of
the local population.
Yeah, yeah. The Brits did well is Basra because they knew this stuff from dealing with Northern
Ireland and all that. But Basra went sour too.
Our officers rag on the Brits for being too reluctant to use force
- and their officers say all we want to do is "to kill or capture all terrorists and insurgents: they saw military destruction
of the enemy as a strategic goal in its own right." Yeah, all we know how to do is that - "the US army has developed over
time a singular focus on conventional warfare, of a particularly swift and violent kind."
But we think it works. This
guy says "such an unsophisticated approach, ingrained in American military doctrine, is counter-productive, exacerbating the
task the US faced by alienating significant sections of the population."
From The Guardian –
What he calls a sense
of "moral righteousness" contributed to the US response to the killing of four American contractors in Fallujah in the spring
of 2004. As a "come-on" tactic by insurgents, designed to provoke a disproportionate response, it succeeded, says the brigadier,
as US commanders were "set on the total destruction of the enemy".
He notes that the firing on one night of more than
40 155mm artillery rounds on a small part of the city was considered by the local US commander as a "minor application of
combat power". Such tactics are not the answer, he says, to remove Iraq from the grip of what he calls a "vicious and
tenacious insurgency".
So what is the answer?
Colonel Kevin Benson, director of the US Army's School Of Advanced Military Studies, told the Post the brigadier
was an "insufferable British snob." But he took that back. He said he was just upset. He's going to write a response.
Post notes that Lieutenant General David Petraeus - the man who "runs much of the Army's educational establishment,
and also oversees Military Review" - said he doesn't agree with many of this guy's assertions, but "he is a very good
officer, and therefore his viewpoint has some importance, as we do not think it is his alone."
Nope it isn't his alone.
The Guardian notes that General Sir Mike Jackson, the head of their army, told their MPs in April 2004 just as our
forces attacked Fallujah - "We must be able to fight with the Americans. That does not mean we must be able to fight as the
Is this all "inside baseball" - and not really news?
Not when General Peter Pace, the chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Thursday, January 12th, issues a public statement, as reported here. He calls the critique "very helpful" "in opening debate but "off the mark" because we're not too centralized. And
as for the rest - "If only one percent of what he said turned out to be something that needs to be adjusted to, then we are
all better off for it."
Rumsfeld said he had not read the article, but he said - "Broad sweeping generalizations of
that type need to be supported by information." He doesn't believe any of it?
Okay, time to reread the Graham Greene
novel about Vietnam - all about "damaging optimism." That's what made The Quiet American so dangerous, after all.
optimistically, this Alito fellow will be just fine on the Supreme Court, and listen and think things through and be fair.
And the cell phone thing will be straightened out, as more and more folks buy the detailed phone records of their congressmen
and senators. And in Iraq we'll move from playing "whack-a-mole" and figure out how to get that place up and running so we
can move on.
Or maybe not.

