
Volume 4, Number 6 for the week of Sunday,
February 5, 2006
Current Events
- Paying Attention: Thirteen Ways of Looking at the News (with apologies to Wallace Stevens)
- On Consistency: Sometimes truculent rigidity masquerading as intellectual seriousness just gets you in trouble...
- Light Fog: Making Much of Nothing (the State of the Union Speech)
- Getting Serious: The War of the Shirts (and other matters)
- Cartoon Wars: The Sacred and the Profane
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Those Who Forget The Past
… Might Overlook A Great Topic For Their Next Column
- Book Wrangler: The Easiest Part Of Selling What You Write, Is Writing It!
Southern California Photography
Volume 4, Number 5 for the week of Sunday,
January 29, 2006
Current Events
- Low Points: They Call It Stormy Monday, But Tuesday's Just The Same
- Controversy: Maybe honesty isn't actually the best policy...
- Perspectives: Those Who Tell Us What It All Really Means
- Voting: People Deciding What They're Not Supposed to Decide
- Friday Follies: A Media Tradition
- Political Theory: Power Doesn't Corrupt, It Forces Pragmatic Dreariness
The International Desk
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Are Judas Goats Leading
The US Toward A Third Term For Dubya?
- Book Wrangler: "How many fingers, Winston?"
Southern California Photography
Quotes for the week of January 29, 2006 – Lighten Up
Volume 4, Number 4 for the week of Sunday, January 22, 2006
King Day: 'His voice was like a furnace of optimism, trying to triumph over despair.'
Perspective: Perhaps When You Are In The United States It Is Difficult To Have A Notion Of What Really Is Going On There
Dangerous Ideas: News From Abroad (Thursday's Osama Bin Laden Surprise, and More)
International Desk
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist " … rent a very fast car with no top and … "
California Photography
Quotes for the week of January 22, 1006 - The Law
Volume 4, Number 3 for the week of Sunday,
January 15, 2006
Current Events
Book Notes
- Books: The Velocity of Everydayness
The International Desk
- Our Man in Paris: The Annual Visit To The Old Iron Lady On The Champ De Mars (Nutella Uber Alles)
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Picking The "What?" Out
Of The Salad?
Southern California Photography
Volume 4, Number 2 for the week of Sunday,
January 8, 2006
Current Events
History and Its Uses
The International Desk
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Letting Democracy Die By
- Book Wrangler: "Read All About It!" - While You Still Can
Southern California Photography
Volume 4, Number 1 for the week of Sunday,
January 1, 2006
Current Events
The Unusual
The International Desk
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - "This is working out quite
well for them."
- Book Wrangler: What Effect Will 2005 Have on Literature?
Guest Photography
- Snow: New Years Eve in the Catskills
Southern California Photography
- Backstage: Building the Floats for the Tournament of Roses Parade
- Surf: Christmas Day in Encinitas
Volume 3, Number 52 for the week of Sunday,
December 25, 2005
Current Events
The International Desk
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Surf's Up! Santa's Coming!
- Book Wrangler: On The Road To Illiteracy In The USA?
Guest Photography
- Georgia: Preparing for Santa in Georgia
- New York: The Palm Court at the Winter Garden
Southern California Photography
Volume 3, Number 51 for the week of Sunday,
December 18, 2005
Current Events
Other Matters
The International Desk
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Fact Finding Isn't As Easy
As It Seems
- Book Wrangler: You're Never Too Young (Or Too Old) To Start A Writing Career
Southern California Photography
Quotes for the week of December 18, 2005 – On Politicians
Volume 3, Number 50 for the week
of Sunday, December 11, 2005
Current Events
Business Notes
The International Desk
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Is Bush Playing "Three
Card Monte" with the Issues?
- Book Wrangler: Curmudgeons Prepare for the Bill O'Reilly Holiday
Southern California Photography
Quotes for the week of December 11, 2005 – Russell Mania
Volume 3, Number 49 for the week of Sunday,
December 4, 2005
Current Events
The International Desk
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Was "The Blond Ghost" in
Dealey Plaza?
- Book Wrangler: What Is A Fact Checker Supposed To Do With A Parable?
Guest Photography
- Noël: Oh to be Rich and in Paris at Christmas
Southern California Photography
Volume 3, Number 48 for the week of Sunday,
November 27, 2005
Current Events
The International Desk
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the Desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Is Dubya Heading for the
Existentialist Hall of Fame?
- Book Wrangler: Writing Suspense and Horror Fiction
Guest Photography
Hollywood Photography
Volume 3, Number 47 for the week of Sunday,
November 20, 2005
Current Events
The International Desk
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the Desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - No One Died When the Dog
Ate My Homework
- Book Wrangler: Who Was Canada's Most Famous Outlaw?
Guest Photography
Local Photography
Volume 3,
Number 46 - for the week of Sunday, November 13, 2005
Current Events
- Anticipation: The National Conversation Panned Out as Predicted
- Oddities: What couldn't be so is so…
- Entropy: Trying to Hold It all Together and Facing Facts
- Too Much News: Lots of Things Blow Up in the Middle of the Week
- Veterans Day: The World Gone Mad, or at Least Angry
The International Desk
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - "What we have here is…"
- Book Wrangler: Venice, Frogs, and Racing Ferraris
Guest Photography
Local Photography
Volume 3, Number 44 - for the week of Sunday, November 6,
Chasing the Zeitgeist
Troubles Elsewhere
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - A War That Was Started
For No Reason Can't Have An Ending
- Book Wrangler: Playing the Name Game with Authors
Guest Photography
Local Photography
- Sculpture: Gentle Joking with the Rich - Otterness in Beverly Hills
- Botanicals: November Blooms
Quotes for the week of November 6, 2005 – Return to Cynics Corner
Volume 3, Number 44 - for the week of Sunday, October
30, 2005
Current Events
Broken Scooter: A Liar Indicted, Resigns from the White House, But No Fat Lady Sings
Trouble Brewing: Tuesday Indictment Rumors, For the Record (and "The Italian Job")
Never Mind: Harriet the Church Lady Just Fades Away
Legal Notes: Odd Challenges on the Limits of Free Speech
The International Desk
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - "Week From Hell" Precipitates
a Cliché Fest
Guest Photography
Local Photography
Quotes for the week of October 30, 2005 – The Scooter Conspiracy
Volume 3, Number 43 - for the week of Sunday, October
23, 2005
Current Events
Discontent: The Autumn of Reaching the Limit of What You Can Put Up With
The International Desk
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - A Journalist's Guide to
Asking The Most Intelligent, Perceptive, and Insightful Questions
Volume 3, Number 42 - for the week of Sunday, October
16, 2005
Current Events
The International Desk
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - " …or run naked through
the streets, screaming all the way…"
- Book Wrangler: "Ready anytime you are, CB!"
Guest Photography - Europe
Guest Photography - North America
Local Photography
Volume 3, Number 41 - for the week of Sunday, October
9, 2005
The Week in Review
Catching Up: Peculiar News on a Slow News Day
They Call It Stormy Monday - For Good Reason
Two Days Out: Wednesdays with the Church Lady
The Fire Below: Looking Behind the News
The Week Ends Oddly Enough
Assuming a Role: Bush on the Couch
The International Desk
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Extra! Extra! Read all
about it!
- Book Wrangler: Nihilism Means "Nothing" To Me
Guest Photography
Local Photography
3, Number 40 - for the week of Sunday, October 2, 2005
Current Events
Race: Moralists Say the Oddest Things
The International Desk
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - "There you go again, thinking
Our Eye on Paris
Local Photography
Of Interest
Correction: Good Stuff, Actually For Sale (Hollywood Wine)
3, Number 39 - for the week of Sunday, September 25, 2005
Current Events
Lists: The 'Worst of All Time' Idea
Race: The Fire Next Time, Again
God Stuff: An Odd New Lobby Group in Washington
The International Desk
Follow Up: The Other Great Debate (about time itself)
Quotes for the week of September 25, 2005 – Power
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Is it "The Eternal Recurrence"
with a new war and different dates?
Book Wrangler: Is censorship flourishing in a country that believes in "Freedom of Speech?"
Dialogs of the Dead
Local Photography
3, Number 38 - for the week of Sunday, September 18, 2005
Current Events
The Speech: Thursday Night as seen on Friday Morning
The Foreign Desk
Trends: Making a list and checking it twice…
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - On the Road to Becoming
the Pundits' Pundit
Book Wrangler: On the Road to Becoming a Prodigy in Cinematography
Guest Photography
Local Photography
The Usual
3, Number 37 - for the week of Sunday, September 11, 2005
Current Events
Dialog: On Mixing Inefficiency With Authoritarianism
Late Wire Items:
Allegory: The Broadway Musical and Hollywood Film as Modern Christian History
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Does a niggardly response
mean the Bush team is racist?
Guest Photography
Local Photography
Quotes for the week of September 11, 2005 - Competence and Responsibility and all that –
3, Number 36 - for the week of Sunday, September 4, 2005
Current Events
Iraq: The Blindingly Obvious Strategy of the Day - The Oil Patch
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist -Between A Rock and a Hard
Guest Photography
Local Photography
Hockney: The Sun-Drenched Color Palette He Devised in Los Angeles
Quotes for the week of August 28, 2005 – Tangentially Related to Events In New Orleans
3, Number 35 - for the week of Sunday, August 28, 2005
Current Events
Last Weekend: As Expected, Nothing Happened - or Things Got Worse
Changing Sides: "When the facts change, I change my mind - what do you do, sir?"
Flypaper: Some Conceptual and Practical and Moral Issues
Stalemate: No Agreement in Iraq, Dissatisfaction on the Home Front, and No One Doing Much
Religion: Avenging, Angry Christians, and the End of the Enlightenment Confirmed
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - The Oxbow Incident in Iraq?
Book Wrangler: Kreigschmerz? Try "on the road" literature for escapism!
Guest Photography
Local Photography
Quotes for the week of August 28, 2005 – On Photography
3, Number 34 - for the week of Sunday, August 21, 2005
Current Events
Momentum: From Brighton, New York to Paris, France
Wrap-Up: This is the way the world ends - not with a bang but a whimper –
Echoes of Vietnam
Oh Henry!: Kissinger's Worse-than-Vietnam Analysis
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the Desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Reality TV as Dadaist Entertainment
Book Wrangler: Take off your glasses, Joe! - or, The Saga of The Fighter Pilot versus the Hausfrau
Guest Photography
Local Photography
The Usual
Quotes for the week of August 14, 2005 – Tolerance
3, Number 33 - for the week of Sunday, August 14, 2005
Current Events
Sex: A Four-Star General is Fired
The Culture
Religion: Responding to the Theocrats (Rick Brown)
Changes: Stones Attempting Significance
The Foreign Desk
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - The Return of "The Point
of No Return"
Guest Photography
Hollywood Photography
Wildfire: Watching the Hollywood Hills Burn
The Usual
Quotes for the week of August 14, 2005 – Tolerance
3, Number 32 - for the week of Sunday, August 7, 2005
Current Events
Nominees: Bolton In and Roberts in the Wings
Midweek: Trouble Brewing (and the Sleeping Bag of Death)
Follow Up: Back to the War on Terror (What's in a name?)
Global Warming: Is This Weep-Silently-Apologize-To-Your-Children-And-Throw-Yourself-Out-A-Window Depressing?
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Is there a new national
Our Eye on Paris
Local Photography
The Usual
3, Number 31 - for the week of Sunday, July 31, 2005
Current Events
Semantics: Thucydides got it right a long time ago…
Secrecy: News of What Didn't Happen, and of What Won't Happen
Ironies: Ironies that can only be seen from the left side…
Our Man in London: Greetings from London: Host City for the 2012 Olympics and Suicide Bombers' Paradise!
News Notes: What's The News? What You Want It To Be.
Film Notes: Something for a Hot Day in Los Angeles
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Things done capriciously
for no apparent reason are fun!
Guest Photography
Local Photography
The Usual
Quotes for the week of July 24, 2005 – Truth and the Root of All Evil
3, Number 30 - for the week of Sunday, July 24, 2005
Current Events
- News Notes: Non-Stories
- London Again: The Second-String Executes Badly
- SCOTUS: Let the fun begin! ('Here come da judge, here come da judge!')
- Rush to Judge: Reactions to the US Issues from Our Man in Paris
- Enough: The Week Ends in Turmoil
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - CaféPress to the columnist's
rescue? Becoming a millionaire the existentialist way?
- Book Wrangler: Columnist = Good and Blogger = Not So Good?
- On The Scene: Academy Salute To Don Siegel
Local Photography – Amazing Public Events
Paris Photography
The Usual
3, Number 29 - for the week of Sunday, July 17, 2005
Current Events
Delusions: This isn't funny anymore. But it never was.
End of the Week: Rove and Social Security and Racism and the Evil of Boston
Sequels: The Triumph of Hope Over Experience
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - A Face in the Crowd
Book Wrangler: A Birthday Party Spawns a Column About Freedom of the Press
Left Bank Lens: Quelles choses secrètes on apprendrait-il si on devaient ouvrir ces portes à Paris ?
Old Hollywood: Here, water cascades from the mouths of lions into multiple pools and waterways….
The Usual
Quotes for the week of July 17, 2005 – The Press and Politics
3, Number 28 - for the week of Sunday, July 10, 2005
Current Events
Politics: If I Want a Farce I'll Read Feydeau
Quotes for the week of July 10, 2005 - London Calling
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - What Democrats Could Learn
From a Rape Prevention Program
Held Over and Reformatted
3, Number 27 - for the week of Sunday, July 3, 2005
Current Events
Busted: Bush's Brain (Karl Rove) Suddenly Exposed
The Speech to Explain Everything
The Speech: Things Going Badly Calls for More of the Same
Just in from Paris
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Buy the Ticket, Take the
Quotes for the week of July 3, 2005 – The Fourth of July
Local Shots: The Expected, and the Unexpected in July (from flags to dissolute pigeons to classic architecture to surreal numbers)
3, Number 26 - for the week of Sunday, June 26, 2005
Current Events
Spin City: Temporarily Moved from DC to Manhattan
Guest Column: Rick Brown on News That Doesn't Fit the Narrative
Follow-Up: Last week's topics bleed into this week, so to speak…
Assessment: The man who thought he was being chased by a lobster through the nightmare streets full of loud music...
On the scene…
Rich Cars: Dogged Coverage of This Year's Rodeo Drive Concours d'Elegance
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Cold Pizza and Warm Beer
for Breakfast
Book Wrangler: Doughnuts and links bond the Southern California literary scene…
Guest Photography
Local Photography
The Usual
3, Number 25 - for the week of Sunday, June 19, 2005
Current Events
Why Thursday?: After all this time it's now time to talk about the war?
Race: "Never apologize, son. It's a sign of weakness."
Dissent: Conversations About Odd News Items
News and Fame
Other News: While Fox, CNN, MSNBC and the networks deal with Michael…
Paris News: Cruise, Holmes, Dump Cruz and Klein, Climb Eiffel
Quotes regarding Michael Jackson in Santa Maria and Tom Cruise on the Eiffel Tower
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - Online Magazines Should
Learn from the American Trucking Association: There's Strength in Numbers
Book Wrangler: Barmecide Banquets - and other imaginary items from Baghdad
Guest Photography
Local Photography
3, Number 24 - for the week of Sunday, June 12, 2005
Current Events
Clueless: The Evidence Mounts, and There's Nothing You Can Do With It
Reporting from the Scene
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist – "Wet the ropes!"
Mind Games: Dangerous Books and Mission Statements
Quotes: William Butler Yeats – born June 13, 1865
Beach Photography
Color Studies: Long Late Light, and a Pink Church Reconceptualized
Public Art: Claus Oldenburg, Frank Gehry and Jonathan Borofsky
3, Number 23 - for the week of Sunday, June 5, 2005
Current Events
Marketing 101: Containing Costs with a Finely Tuned Marketing Campaign
Press Notes - "Maybe a little less of the pervert of the day…"
World View
Geopolitics: Fallout from the French Kiss of Death (with an exclusive editorial cartoon)
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World’s Laziest Journalist - The Hershey (PA)
Auto Museum is "Sweet"
Book Wrangler: Beatniks with laptops, Otto von Stroheim’s legendary parties, and the Elephant Museum
Guest Photography
3, Number 22 - for the week of Sunday, May 29, 2005
Current Events
Ethics: Snowflakes in DC in May – or Just Flakes
Getting Along: Compromise means no one is happy. Or it means everyone is happy a little. Or something.
Our Columnists
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World’s Laziest Journalist - Return to the Past
Quotes: What do to, what to do…
3, Number 21 - for the week of Sunday, May 22, 2005
Current Events
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World’s Laziest Journalist -Become a conservative
radio talk show host for fun and profit! (Lots of both!)
- Through the Viewfinder: Paul Newman Asked for My Autograph
Don Smith of Left Bank Lens
3, Number 20 - for the week of Sunday, May 15, 2005
Current Events
Ambiguity: We don’t recommend him, so let’s vote!
Infamy: Was he number three, or are you?
Guest Columnist - Jeremy
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World’s Laziest Journalist - Naked Aggression
Our Turn: The Greatest American of All Time
Quotes: From the World of Noir
Cowboy Art: John Wayne and Larry Flint, and Harry Shapiro from Chicago, a good friend of Jackson Pollock, channeling Frederic Remington
Oddities: The Double Mini and Captain Kirk
3, Number 19 - for the week of Sunday, May 8, 2005
Current Events
Meme Watch: Things fall apart, the center will not hold… and people are buying gay cars!
Press Notes: Celebrity trials are the opiate of the masses?
Religion: On Disciplining Children, God’s Vengeance, and Keeping Jews and Muslims Contained
Media Notes: The Run-Away Bride and Michael Jackson’s Urges – Not the Only News
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of World’s Laziest Journalist - Seven Days in May
Book Wrangler: Time Travel isn’t a section in America’s most popular weekly magazine…
Automotive Features
Iran: Nuclear Ambitions, Automotive Ambitions
On Writing: The often repeated charge that Americans lack a sense of irony…
Cherry 54: A 1954 Chevrolet Corvette in all its glory…. (photo feature)
3, Number 18 - for the week of Sunday, May 1, 2005
Current Events
Media Notes: Worms Turning? Notes on This Week’s Press Conference
Nuclear Fallout: The Oppressed Minority – Christians in America and Conservative Republicans – That Powerless Group of Outsiders
Pessimism: Hard Times in the Reality-Based Community, but Not Elsewhere
Delusions: Realism and Idealism are the Same Thing
Religion (or its absence)
Bob Patterson
On The Scene: The Bloggerteers Motto: “One for all, all for one!” (as long as you’re a conservative)
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World’s Laziest Journalist - Kiss her, you fool!
Web Notes: Trademark and Public Domain Issues with the Eiffel Tower
Quotes: May Day - the day set aside by the Second Socialist International in 1889 to commemorate Labor and still celebrated around
the world.
Late Update! In Defense of Bo Diddley
added to last week’s Music: From the Department of Useless Information, the Pop Culture Bureau
3, Number 17 - for the week of Sunday, April 24, 2005
Current Events
- Changes: The End of Outrage?
- Warm Frogs: The So-Called Liberal Media Evaporates Before Our Eyes
- Media Notes: The Grownups Will Tell You What You Need to Know
- Anniversaries: An Oklahoman Turns European
- Earth Day: Number Thirty-Five with Baked Alaska
- Globalization: Archimedes said "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world." Here’s
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World’s Laziest Journalist - Fangs Out, Hair on
- Book Wrangler: James Dean, Philip K. Dick, and Don King together (again?) in one column?
3, Number 16 - for the week of Sunday, April 17, 2005
Current Events
Legal Theory: I love the smell of theocratic McCarthyism in the morning…
Ethics: Loopy Pharmacists for God
Trends: Healthcare in America is the Best?
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the desk of the World's Laziest Journalist - "Off we go, into the wild
blue yonder…"
Our Man in Paris
Americana: Mickey D’s and Twinkies, and Taxes
Quotes: Done, for this year – Taxes
Old Bird: A Ride on a B-17G over Los Angeles
3, Number 15 - for the week of Sunday, April 10, 2005
Current Events
Liberal Wimps: The Allure of Calm Reasoning With the Powerful Right
Media Notes: CNN and the Death of Serious TV News – The Inside Story
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the World’s Laziest Journalist - “Bomb’s Away!”
Target? Liberal Media
Book Wrangler: Once you’ve written the review, why read the book?
Photography and more...
Landmarks: What Passes for History in Los Angeles
Quotes: As the war continues, or the occupation, or whatever it is…
And special photos from last week - France: Gers is not Paris
3, Number 14 - for the week of Sunday, April 3, 2005
Current Events
Words: The Rhetoric of the Godly and its Consequences
Ethics: Thinking of toasters in Rochester…
Press Notes: The Art of Controlling the Interview, and the Craft of Selling Advertising Slots
Polarization: The Effect of Washington’s Intervention in Florida Regarding the Woman with No Brain Waves for the Last Fifteen Years
Technology: On wanting to kill anyone who does not share your views….
Irony: Humor in Saying Actually What You Meant to Say
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: - from the World’s Laziest Journalist - “They Shoot Horses Don’t
Book Wrangler: So many books to review, so few free lunches to help sway the decision!
Photography and more...
Old Birds: Tigers that fly, or used to, and so much more…
The Usual
Quotes: Appropriate to recent events…
3, Number 13 - for the week of Sunday, March 27, 2005
Current Events
Meme Watch: The Republican Party Self-Destructs Before Our Eyes
The Main Event
Thursday: A Call for an American Bastille Day
Secondary Events
Bob Patterson and more…
WLJ Weekly: from the World’s Laziest Journalist - “Good Americans, when they
die, go to Paris.”
3, Number 12 - for the week of Sunday, March 20, 2005
Current Events
Logic: The Fallacy of the Undistributed Middle?
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from the World’s Laziest Journalist - Operation “Repeal The New
Deal” Continues
Francophile Corner
Paris Photos: A good week, an Irish poet, and a big balloon…
Boredom: Another Invention from the Eighteenth Century?
Quotes: On Lawyers and the Law
3, Number 11 - for the week of Sunday, March 13, 2005
Current Events
Diplomacy: My Favorite Diplomat, and his Shadow
The Law: A Short Note on The Divine Nature of Human Law
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: from The World’s Laziest Journalist - How to Argue Like a Conservative
Radio Talk Show Host (for fun and profit?)
Paris Extra: Paris mérite d'obtenir les Jeux olympiques 2012 ?
Quotes: Shakespeare and Company
3, Number 10 - for the week of Sunday, March 6, 2005
Current Events
Tactics: On Dealing With Those Who Think "Tolerance" is a Dirty Word
Dialogs: Hunter Thompson Reconsidered
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - Speculation Prompted by the Michael
Jackson Trial
Book Wrangler: "The Boys on the Bus" - a review 33 years past deadline...
3, Number 9 - for the week of Sunday, February 27, 2005
Current Events
Paris Weekly
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics, and
Words of Mass Deception (WMD’s)
Beer: Political Differences and Lager and Stout and Ale
3, Number 8 - for the week of Sunday, February 20, 2005
Current Events
Free Speech: Attacks, Lies, Offensive Opinion and all the rest…
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - Roulette game or a train wreck about
to happen?
Blood Sport: The Sport of the British Aristocrats (Aristos) Saved by the Perfidious French
Habits: “If smoking was about being grown up, the new Puritanism is about being a perpetual child…”
Words: Dangerous Things (even in French)
Quotes: “When ideas fail, words come in very handy.”
3, Number 7 Sunday, February 13, 2005
Current Events
Press Notes: What the Press Reports – Notes on Objectivity and Selectivity
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - “Would that it were so!”
(Return to the kill-the-messenger philosophy?)
Book Wrangler: Biker wisdom - Kansas: home of the highway with 318 miles and 11 curves.
Paris Weekly: 'Tidy Enough for Bobos' (Paris these days, with an exclusive photo gallery)
Quotes: Some really odd ones for Valentines Day (and more)
Photography: The Other Film Capital of Southern California
3, Number 6 Sunday, February 6, 2005
Current Events
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - “…sealing wax, cabbages,
and kings…”
Book Wrangler: “There were no rules for dealing with anarchists.”
Film: Our Man on Paris finds Bob L'Éponge
Books: Our Responsibility To The Commons
Quotes: Considering Sports on Super Bowl Sunday
3, Number 5 Sunday, January 30, 2005
Current Events
Empire: Decline and Fall Into Irrelevance
Dialog: Being Truthful Is Irrelevant?
Tolerance: The Sponge Story Has Legs (That Sponge Has Legs?)
Words: Precise Language Can Serve Us Well
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - Corrections, Connections and Musical
Paris Notes: A Brit Explains the French, and Our Man in Paris Gives Us the Truth (with photos)
3, Number 4 Sunday, January 23, 2005
Current Events
Words: Accidental Wit and Wisdom
Our Culture: A Diatribe Against a Cartoon Sponge and All That Sponge Stands For
Aviation: Our Man in Paris Explains Events in Toulouse
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - May I borrow your Ford Cobra for two
Book Wrangler: What does it mean? Zen and The Art of Vocabulary Building
Book Note: Anniversaries - Cervantes’s Don Quixote
Quotes: Movies and Sunset Boulevard
3, Number 3 Sunday, January 16, 2005
Current Events
Assessment: The Only Causes Worth Fighting For Are Lost Causes
Trends: It was the week of the Nazi revival…
Oops: Nothing to see here folks, move along…
Moral Clarity: Comments On Smarmy Religiosity, Sexual Priggishness, Vengeance And Racism
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - Morphogenic Resonance and Reviving
the Draft
3, Number 2 Sunday, January 9, 2005
Current Events
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - “Tell Me Something I Don’t
One Shot: Georgia on My Mind (guest photograph)
3, Number 1 Sunday, January 2, 2005
Current Events
The Season Ends
Holiday Notes: Happy Hedonism to you all from Georgia and Paris (with photos)
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World's Laziest Journalist - Never play cards with a man named ‘Doc’
(Talk Radio)
Cars: Returning to Vancouver by way of Lulu Island
Quotes - Abbie Hoffman to Gertrude Stein
2, Number 50 Sunday, December 19, 2004
Current Events
Oh Canada!: They're always trying to show us up, but politely...
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - The "Trickle Up" Style of Journalism
Book Wrangler: The Mystery of the Missing Quotes and Other Literary Notes
Music: The Best of the Best, from Brazil
Kids: They don't get it... (more photography)
Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations about the press and journalism and all that...
2, Number 49 Sunday, December 12, 2004
Current Events
Words: Rumsfeld and his tin ear, and AWOL heart and mind…
Oops: "Mr. Clean" withdraws his name for consideration…
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - Where is Australia?
Book Wrangler: Anyone want to write The Book of Ed Gein’s Favorite Recipes?
Quotes: On Belief and Faith and that sort of thing…
2, Number 48 Sunday, December 5, 2004
Current Events
Quick Hits
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - The WLJ disk jockey looks in the geography
- Book Wrangler: If LA is illiterate, why are there so many great bookstores here?
From the previous week...
Volume 2, Number 47 Sunday, November 28, 2004
Special Items
- America: William Nichols - The Right, the Left, and My Mother
- Our Man In Paris: The Champs-Elysées as the Christmas lights are now up…
Current Events
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - Norman Rockwell, an American Original
- Book Wrangler: That’s using the old loaf! (That’s Cockney rhyming slang that means, “That’s using your head.”)
From the previous week...
Volume 2, Number 46 Sunday, November 21, 2004
Posted Monday, November 22, 2004
Current Events
Guest Comment: Verses from the south of France (Samantha Timmerman)
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - If they move… shoot ‘em!
(A column about… Photography!)
Book Wrangler: Talking emus, the Harry Stephen Keeler Society, and flocking penguins…
Photography: Sunday morning in the other Los Angeles – Sunset Boulevard in Echo Park…
Quotes - Useful Pithy Observations - on photography, and more…
Volume 2, Number 45 Sunday, November 14, 2004
Current Events
Tribal Warfare: So what happened this month with Alabama Amendment Two?
Counterargument: Rick Brown on why what was said last week was wrong, or inadequate…
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - Automobile museums and suggestions
and other assorted car related material. (For taking our minds off politics...)
Paris Notes: But George Feydeau was talking about a flea in her ear – not a bee!
Quotes - Useful Pithy Observations (of the automotive sort)
Volume 2, Number 44 Sunday,
November 7, 2004
The Election Issue
Before Tuesday
Reality Check: Listen up! There IS no War on Terror! I repeat: There IS no War on Terror! None! We have all been
After Tuesday
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - Be careful what you dream…
- Photography: Gloom in Liberal Hollywood
- Quotes - Useful Pithy Observations... Bertolt Brecht, Ambrose Bierce, Joseph Conrad – and a Brazilian fellow…
Volume 2, Number 43 Sunday,
October 31, 2004
Current Events
The Pledge: The Cult of Personality Returns (atavistic instincts are fascinating)
Breaking News: October surprises as seen from Paris, Atlanta, the London in Canada and upstate New York...
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - He's makin' a list and checkin' it
twice. (Christmas comes early for the Republicans)
Book Wrangler: Bookstores always remind the columnist of "Bring Cash Alley" in Saigon
Quotes - Useful Pithy Observations... Just who believes in what?
Volume 2, Number 42 Sunday,
October 24, 2004
Current Events
Follow-Up: The possibility that Bush was wired with a little radio into his ear during the first debate, and its implications ...
Our Man in Paris
Bob Patterson
- WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - Alien Abduction or Breech of Security?
- Book Wrangler: A book reviewer’s Christmas season bonanza …
Volume 2, Number 41 Sunday,
October 17, 2004
Current Events
Endorsements: Those with little success and even less luck in life don't much care for disagreement about George Bush
The Draft: The issue that isn't an issue if the cease and desist order stands...
Follow-Up: What changed after the second presidential debate? The folks from Venus bailed out.
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - Does carpe diem mean the daily special
at a rug store?
Book Wrangler: How can you tell when a politician is lying? (Their lips are moving.) Features
Photography: It never rains in Southern California? Wet botanicals....
Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations... Albert Einstein gives fashion advice? Sure. Why not?
Volume 2, Number 40 Sunday,
October 10, 2004
Current Events
Irony: George Bush gets his suits from Georges de Paris... And is told what to say by whom?
Reactions: Honesty as the Best Policy? And why did God create conservatives?
Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations... Old Greeks
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World’s Laziest Journalist - Have we got a deal for you?
Volume 2, Number 39 Sunday, October
3, 2004
Current Events
Logic Bombs: Why Bush Will (eventually) Win the Debates
Media Notes: Fair and Balanced, and Quite Often Mistaken
Facts: The Annuls of Cognitive Dissonance
Legislation: The guy who used to coach high school wresting has a modest proposal…
Ohio: Blackwell the Magician
Our Man in Paris
Paris: A quick note and photo from the City That Never Sleeps (at least for one night) regarding this year’s nuit blanche...
Travel: In the Land of Spiritual Elevators
Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations... Parting Shots
Volume 2, Number 38 Sunday, September
26, 2004
Current Events
A Nation of Victims: The moral basis for redress, retaliation and even revenge in order to right any given wrong, real or imagined...
Rhetoric: The campaigns settle on their preferred rhetorical devices for the final weeks...
Policy: A slightly autistic self-satisfaction remains the dominant tendency of American power. (Bush at the United Nations)
Ongoing Issues
Follow-Up: Who do you trust? What happened to CBS?
Piling On: One step beyond the tipping point...
Quotes: Even More Useful Pithy Observations - Amicule, deliciae, num is sum qui mentiar tibi? (Baby, sweetheart,
would I lie to you?)
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World's Laziest Journalist "Cool Hunting" - done by a hippie columnist
Photography: On the Boulevard - Raymond Chandler Territory
Volume 2, Number 37 Sunday, September
19, 2004
Current Events
Trends: There just isn't enough fairy dust to fix this one ...
Momentum: The rolling meme gathers speed ...
Winning: What is being said about why the Democrats can't seem to get it together ...
Paris Notes: Ces filles jumelles, sans des talents reconnaissables ...
Paris Culture: This weekend's Techno Parade - and what to do with a really bad movie ...
Books: If you're so smart, how come you're not rich?
Quotes: Even More Useful Pithy Observations - a potpourri, a plethora of pundits from Carl Sagan to Al Capone, from Garrison Keillor
to William Gladstone…
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World's Laziest Journalist - "Don't make any sudden moves!"
Book Wrangler: The never ending search for truth, justice, the American way, and a copy of Kitty Kelley's new book ...
Volume 2, Number 36 Sunday, September 12, 2004
Current Events
Scandals: Bush's Bad Day at Black Rock (CBS)
Follow-Up: Low-Rent Crystalnacht (...it continues)
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World's Laziest Journalist - Conservatives Forgive the Sins of the Sixties
Film: The fox condemns the trap, not himself...
Photography: The Wright Stuff - the Frank Lloyd Wright Stoner House in Hollywood (1923)
In the Zone: On the recent expedition to the Twilight Zone event in the Valley ...
Volume 2, Number 35 Sunday, September 5, 2004
Current Events
Choosing sides: The defining moment of the Republican National Convention...
Paris Notes: Politics and Celebrities, Headscarves, Hostages and Short People
Paris Extra: The more things change, the more they... the Chinese arrive soon?
The Law: Have you no shame, sir? The philosophy of law….
Quotes: Even More Useful Pithy Observations... regarding mental heath and smoking? Something like that...
Bob Patterson
WLJ WEEKLY: The World's Laziest Journalist - The Stanley Lord Journalism Awards?
Volume 2, Number 34 Sunday, August 29, 2004
Current Events
Trends: The Coming Bush Victory
Counting Votes: Guest Columnist Rick Brown - It's the Electoral College, Stupid!
News Cycles: Friday Afternoon Follies (Bush Lucky Breaks and Spies)
UK Notes: Blair Does Not Have the Political Skills of Bush (or maybe he does)
On Character
Character 1: The Story That Won't Die - leading to a precise definition of cowardice...
Character 3: Spite and its uses... Why One Votes for Bush
History: The Liberation of Paris (and the rise of California)
Surrealism: How the World Ends (This week's version...)
Quotes: Even More Useful Pithy Observations...
- WLJ WEEKLY: The World's Laziest Journalist - Journalism New York style has evolved from
the Pentagon Papers to spin lackeys...
- WLJ Sidebars: Hot on the trail of some old gossip...
Volume 2, Number 33 Sunday, August 22, 2004
Current Events
Attack Ads: The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and all that...
Couldn't Be: From the Department of Oops! - Need some spin here, and some damage control....
Confidence: Who do you trust? The week started with the New York Times causing trouble again.
Philosophy: George Bush has read Immanuel Kant? What's really going on here?
Follow-Ups: Sensitivity and Madness (Cheney and Keyes)
Film Notes: Affirmative Action Should Not Keep Me From the Movies (a guest column by Joy Childs)
The Life: Ric Erickson's Report from Paris
Gone: Julia Child and Donald Justice
Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations... Robert Frost on humor, Hemingway on writing, some regarding conservatives and the rich, as
some on, well, cats...
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World's Laziest Journalist - The voice of one crying in the desert...
Photography: Hollywood Ghosts (new photos added August 23)
Volume 2, Number 32 Sunday, August 15, 2004
Current Events
Male Identity: Peri Bathous, or the Art of Sinking to the Profound
Sidebar: The Apolitical Side of Rugby
Hero Myth: Eschew nuance, and odd words. Notes on what really matters...
WLJ Weekly: The World's Laziest Journalist - "The owls are not what they seem."
Paris Weekly: A building without a concierge is a building without a soul?
Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations... Three deep thoughts, and one that may be.
Photography: The War of the Handbills in West Los Angeles
Special (held over from previous
Volume 2, Number 31 Sunday, August 8, 2004
Current Events
The L-Word: Rehabilitating the word LIBERAL - and Elvis?
Words: The president once again says something really dumb, which is a Freudian slip or not, or...
Election Notes: Tough Times for the Third Man (Ralph Nader not Orson Welles)
History: It's always the French, isn't it? The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798
The Law: Ignorance of the law is no excuse... an odd little item here...
Odds and Ends: Oklahoma and Los Angeles - Details, details, details...
Paris Weekly: Friday night - La rando du vendredi à Paris... and dancing Saturday night (text and photos from our man in Paris)
Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations… Immanuel Fichte and Erica Jong together at last
Bob Patterson
WLJ Weekly: The World's Laziest Journalist - Fresno, Tigers, the Deprong Mori, and Penn
Book Wrangler: If there are ghosts, writers and awards then we must ask: Are there awards for ghostwriters?
Volume 2, Number 30 Sunday, August 1, 2004
Current Events
- Fixing Things: What to Make of the 9/11 Commission's Report
- Book Notes: Social Darwinism as seen from Pasadena
- UK Notes: Using the law to keep delusions under control...
- Gloom and Doom: The Really Dismal Science and the Damned Invisible Hand
- French Doctors: No one is neutral as you are with us or with the evildoers...
- The Law: Lawsuits Destroying American Business
- Sidebar: "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child!"
Boston and the Election
- WLJ Weekly: The World's Laziest Journalist - “Muster in Custer” or “East
of Eden”?
- Alabama: Audemus Jura Nostra Defendere
- Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations… Doctor Johnson on life, and others on war.
Volume 2, Number 29 Sunday, July 25, 2004
Current Events
Déjà Vu: A Clear and Present Danger
Ongoing Issues
Follow-Up Three: The Terrorists Force Our Government to Call Off the November Elections
WLJ Weekly: The World's Laziest Journalist - A sacred pilgrimage for a Hemingway wannabe...
Book Wrangler: A famous writer gets burned up about a Fahrenheit 9/11 invitation...
Paris News: More fun and games from Paris! The chips are down.
Writing Well 1: The winners of this year's Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest are announced...
Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations… from Oscar Levant, Franz Kafka and André Maurois (a great team!)
Reference (new)
Sources: For Political Commentary and News Before It Hits The Major Media
Volume 2, Number 28 Sunday, July 18, 2004
Current Events
Kansas and the FMA: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a ... The Importance of Martyrdom to the Conservative Movement
Resentment: The NAACP and George Bush - Political Theater
Bummer Thursday: Hollywood Feels Like Steamy Florida and the Political World Stays Just As Nasty, and Abu Ghraib ...
- WLJ Weekly: The World's Laziest Journalist - Are Howard Hughes, Jett Rink, and Jethro
Bodine, the Holy Trinity of the oil barons' brat pack?
- Bastille Day!: Allons enfants de la patrie! (With photos from Wednesday in Paris...)
- Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations… this time new sources, and a bit from both Montaigne and Hunter S. Thompson!
Volume 2, Number 27 Sunday, July 11, 2004
Current Events
The New Iraq: Amnesty for the Bad Guys? Martial Law for the Good Guys? Whatever.
Sidebar: Way down Guantánamo Bay way...
- WLJ Weekly: The World's Laziest Journalist - "I don't try to describe the future. I try
to prevent it."
- Book Wrangler: Who's to say when dissent descends into sedition?
- Automobiles: A Debate on Virtue and Exploitation
- Language: Speaking With Dogs
- Odds and Ends: The Law in Italy
- Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations… this time some unusual Hemingway and much more
Volume 2, Number 26 Sunday, July 4, 2004
Current Events - The Law
The Michael Moore film...
Fun and Games
- Religion: Heresy - In the Specific Religious (and Los Angeles) Meaning of the Term
- Ethics: Many Voices - On Winning or Playing Fair
- Couldn't be so!: Your government at work... hoping there are some things you won't notice.
- WLJ Weekly: The World's Laziest Journalist - Sturgeon's Law and Zero Eight Foxtrot
- Paris Weekly: Paris Chronicles, Salut! - Ric
- Quotes: On America (4th of July Special) and Gatsby, an American Classic
- Photography: The geometry of leisure…
- On Photography: Through the Viewfinder - Old photo lesson updated for the digital age: Don't
be an equipment snob.
Volume 2, Number 25 Sunday, June 27, 2004
Current Events
Trends: Something is up. Or maybe not. Or maybe so. (Cheney misbehaves?)
Basics: They hate us? That proves we're right of course.
Semantic Theory: Deconstructionist Semantics Used to Explain When a Lie is Not a Lie
Follow-Up: On the other hand... The insightful, levelheaded News Guy clarifies matters.
Sidebar: The Children of Conservatives
The Michael Moore film...
- Reviews 1: Less in no longer Moore, and never was
- Reviews 2: Is there such a thing as a legitimate abuse of power?
- An Alternative: If Michael Moore had any self-control... The film he didn't make.
- Review: Bob Patterson Reviews Michael Moore's New Film...
The Press
- Press Notes: The news media wakes up and starts doing its job?
- Journalism 101: What journalism is and what it is not. A dialog.
- WLJ Weekly: The World's Laziest Journalist - Return of the guillotine?
- Odds and Ends: The French. Cats. Madness.
- Psychology: On Having a Positive Attitude - The argument that happy people are quite dangerous...
- Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations... from Maugham and Freud
Volume 2, Number 24 Sunday, June 20, 2004
Current Events
Major News: The Big Stories of the Week. Not Really News. Just Confirmations.
Policy Notes: Who needs respect? As long as they fear us we're safe?
Impeachment: The Issue is Actually Raised by Over Four-Hundred Legal Scholars
Press Notes: Fox News Officially Censured for Lying (but not here)
Follow-Up: The wheels turn slowly, but they do turn....
Arguing with others...
- WLJ Weekly: The World's Laziest Journalist - A poltergeist guest and a feast of paranoid
- From Paris: This Week's Exchange with the editor of MetropoleParis
- Television: The Politics of the Heartland
- Photography: As seen by others... Guest Photographers
- Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations… Steinbeck and Nietzsche
Volume 2, Number 23 Sunday, June 13, 2004
Current Events
Reagan: Ronald Reagan is dead. So is Emma Goldman.
Sidebar: Capturing lightning in a bottle - The Reagan Magic Formula
Oops Sorry: Brain Damage - Actual and Metaphoric (government apologies of the week)
Volume 2, Number 22 Sunday, June 6, 2004
Current Events
Ceremonies: The Anniversary of D-Day Sixty Years Ago
Memorial Day: We're always looking for the triumph of the good guys and happiness ever after...
Changes: Thursday was supposed to be a slow news day and no one told George Tenet
Bush in Paris: The Week's Manif of the Day - Exclusive Report for Our Man In Paris (with photos)
Odds and Ends: Gay Marriage and Angry Conservatives (but not Bush this time!)
Sidebar: Rhetorical Flourishes and Imaginary Friends
Volume 2, Number 21 Sunday, May 30, 2004
Current Events
Leadership: What Do You Owe Your Subordinates? Tom Clancy almost punched out Richard Perle? Really?
Sidebar: He died. Sisyphus Shrugged.
Legal Matters: International Law and the Geneva Convention: We Take Hostages...
- WLJ Weekly: The World's Laziest Journalist Crazy, man, crazy! The return of the
bebop sensibilities?
- Books: The Book Wrangler Returns (A Bob Patterson extra!)
- Religion: A Follow-Up on the Unitarians (Texas Theology Revisited)
- Legal Oddities: Adventures in Intellectual Property Rights
- Photography: Good Light in Los Angeles
- Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations... (even more this week)
- Links and Recommendations: Gros Morne National Park, A writer's adventures in Newfoundland...
Volume 2, Number 20 Sunday, May 23, 2004
Current Events
Legitimacy: We are the good guys - and no one seems to understand that...
Sidebars: Minor Press Notes... but startling ones.
Religion: Today In Religion - Texas Theology
- WLJ Weekly: The World's Laziest Journalist: Does Zipf's law apply to Schrödinger's cat?
(Bob Patterson's weekly column)
- Film Notes: Fahrenheit 9/11 Wins Palme D'Or Award at Cannes (and our readers in France have their
- Odds and Ends: Happy Endings in La-La Land! (It really does pay to watch the news!)
- Photography: Nice and surreal - Hollywood mornings
- Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations... (Bob provides some good ones this week.)
Volume 2, Number 19 Sunday, May 16, 2004
Current Events
Explaining Bush: A young and callow fellow, or a coward and a sociopath? Or an effective, heroic leader?
Follow Ups: Torture and morality and all that sort of thing - Alan Dershowitz and Robert Jay Lifton
Sidebar: Good intentions and a little fudging on the résumé and people get all upset...
Volume 2, Number 18 Sunday, May 9, 2004
WLJ Weekly: The World's Laziest Journalist: Reelect Wolfowitz and Halliburton in 04?
Photography: Candid Paris by a guest photographer, with a local reply…
Current Events
- International Law: Chickens coming home to roost, or the cliché of your choice...
- Leadership: The CEO President (folks are getting nervous)
- Religion: On your knees, America!
- Weekly Spinners: Responsibility and blame and all that sort of thing...
- Entropy: Things spinning down, as if it matters...
Volume 2, Number 17 Sunday, May 2, 2004
Current Events
War Notes: How things are going depends on how you look at things, as it is all a matter of having the right attitude…
The Dead: A turning point this week? A long road to the final paragraphs that suggest just that…
The Zeitgeist: Nathaniel West, cellos and mountain lions... Strange Times as seen from Los Angeles
History Lessons: A minor history lesson from an unlikely source … Clemenceau jokes around with Woodrow Wilson? Something
in praise of Warren G. Harding?
Press Notes: Fox News, Fair and Balanced - Just Not Very Canadian
Sidebar: Selling ersatz personal responsibility to the masses...
Pythons: The Monty Python survivors (Eric Idle and Terry Jones) speak out ...
- Photography: May Day - From our correspondents in Paris and Chicago...
- Minor Ironies: The Revenge of the French Against America
- Quotes: Two more odd ones…
Volume 2, Number 16 Sunday, April 25, 2004
Current Events
Privatization: Two friends from France comment on privatization and mercenaries...
Diplomacy: One More Time... Why do they hate us?
- Fiction: The Ride (new fiction from Deborah Vatcher)
- Travel: Lawyers On The Road
- Book Notes: The Panda as seen from Canada, Paris, Boston Georgia and Chicago ...
- Follow-Up: Looking Back and Looking Forward (1968)
- Cultural Notes: Is it time to eschew Roland Barthes for the Marxist critic Walter Benjamin?
- Photography: Hot Rods on Sunset Boulevard
Volume 2, Number 15 Sunday, April 18, 2004
Current Events
Fiction: Goat Farm - new fiction from Deborah Vatcher
Books: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - requiescant in pace - but not likely.
Movies: Getting Out of Endless Loops - Lawrence of Arabia and his Motorcycle
Photography: The famous (not really) Cactus Man of Mulholland Drive.
Volume 2, Number 14 Sunday,
April 11, 2004
Current Events
British Pessimism: Things looking bad in Iraq over the last week? Oh heck, it'll only get worse.
Volume 2, Number 13 Sunday, April 4, 2004
Current Events
Conservative Aesthetics: Why are conservatives always so cheery and liberals always so glum? The case against gloom and doom.
Odd and Ends: THE STARBUCKS PAPERS and What’s Wrong Those Spanish Folks
Quotes: Useful Pithy Observations... two new really odd ones this week…
Volume 2, Number 12 Sunday, March 28, 2004
Current Events
The Worm Turns (1): Last Sunday Someone Spoke up… Press Coverage – What do reporters actually do for a living?
The Worm Turns (2): An overview of the 9/11 hearings. William Clarke testified. He was mensch, as they say.
Logic: The Meme of the Month - If Descartes were alive today these neoconservative guys would kick that evil French fellow
in the shins and beat the snot out of him, in moral outrage, or just for the fun of it.
Bush League Humor: Public Relations and Political Gain - Getting the Tone Right (with photographs)
Tipping Points: Sometimes folks actually throw the bums out… Flash Report from Paris (Could this happen here?)
History: George Bush as sort of, kind of Oliver Cromwell? That is a stretch.
Religion: Mel Will Not Go Away! Other possible headings for this? … Why We
Are All Wrong About Mel Gibson … France Gets a Gift from America … Algernon Charles Swinburne, Spanking
Fetishes and Jesus
Quotes - The last stage of sentimentalism is homicidal mania? Britain’s Feydeau – Joe Orton?
Phillip Raines photo-essays…
Music: Playing a gig on Saint Simons Island a day or two before the G8 Summit.
Volume 2, Number 11 Sunday,
March 21, 2004
Current Events
Spain Changes Course: The Bombing and then the Vote in Spain Explained... The Two Opposing Views of What It All Means
Logic: The Limitations of Empiricism in Politics
The Law: Stop the judges! Send the gay folks somewhere else!
Sidebars: Mel Gibson again, and an item on labor law...
- Photography: Sunset Strip Noir (black and whites)
- Music Notes: Follow Up - Howard Stern is our Shostakovich?
- Quotes: The Usual Useful Pithy Observations - with two new George Bush items...
Volume 2, Number 10
Sunday, March 14, 2004
Current Events
Sex Matters: International Women's Day, HIPPA, and guns...
Religious War: Mel Gibson's movie becomes the film that defines George Bush...
Book Notes: Blix speaks out, as does Lord Hutton, in his way...
Notes from France: Sabotage of the Capitalist Message, Demonstrations, and Heated Debate
Volume 2, Number 9 Sunday,
March 7, 2004
Current Events
- Leadership and Faith: A short meditation on the nature of faith and reason...
- Leadership: Get With The Program - The Most Influential Item Published This Week
- Proud Victims: How George Bush and Mel Gibson are connected in some way...
- Kulturkampf: Kulturkampf? Blitzkrieg? Why would a critic of George Bush use such words?
- UK Troubles: An item indicating Bush is lucky folks here are not really that angry with him...
- The Economy: The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling!
- France and US (us): Will Mel Gibson Conquer France Too? (and a few other odd items)
From the phantom issue of February 29
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- Volume 2, Number 8, from Monday,
February 23, 2004 - click here.
- All issues previous to that - Volume 1, Number 1 (May
26, 2003) to Volume 1, Number 27 (December 28, 2003) and Volume 2, Number 1 (January 4, 2004) to Volume
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