
The news media wakes up and starts doing its job –
when it is far too late to matter and no one much cares. Oh well.
This week my friend Rick,
the news guy, in our ongoing dialog about America and the world right now, and about Steve Holmes’ views and all the
rest, here, had a lot to say.
Rick has worked for CNN, AP and NBC so he has strong
views about the American press. In reaction to Holmes suggesting autistic
was a good word to describe how the media have covered the national discourse that led us to war, and the general coverage
of what the administrations says (less than skepticism – little more than transcription of the official point of view)
Rick commented -
I just so wish we could go back to the days when delivering news was considered a sacred public
trust, instead of an opportunity to "enhance shareholder value" by being the most popular kid in school. (I caught just part of Michael Moore speaking with Katie Couric this morning, and thought he was right
on when he said something like, "You news people are in the privileged position of asking these people any question you want,
and going into this war, you didn't do it. You really let us down!")
Someone at AP might have
been listening to that.
It seems someone at the AP where Rick used to
work suddenly grew a backbone. One can only speculate why, and why now. The climate is changing? Moore got folks
I sent Rick this unusual item – the press being skeptical…
and actually doing something other than transcription.
AP Sues for Access to Bush Guard Records Pete Yost - Associated Press - Posted on Tue, Jun. 22, 2004
WASHINGTON - The Associated Press sued the Pentagon and the Air Force on Tuesday, seeking access
to all records of George W. Bush's military service during the Vietnam War.
Filed in federal court in New York, where The AP is headquartered, the lawsuit
seeks access to a copy of Bush's microfilmed personnel file from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission in Austin.
The White House says the government has already released all the records of
Bush's military service.
Controversy surrounds Bush's time in the Texas
Air National Guard because it is unclear from the record what duties he performed for the military when he was working on
the political campaign of a U.S. Senate candidate in Alabama.
There are questions as to whether the file provided to the news media earlier this year is complete,
says the lawsuit, adding that these questions could possibly be answered by reviewing a copy of the microfilm of Bush's personnel
file in the Texas archives.
The Air National Guard of the United States,
a federal entity, has control of the microfilm, which should be disclosed in its entirety under the Freedom of Information
Act, the lawsuit says.
The White House has yet to respond to a request
by the AP in April asking the president to sign a written waiver of his right to keep records of his military service confidential. Bush gave an oral waiver in a TV appearance that preceded the White House's release
this year of materials concerning his National Guard service.
The government
"did not expedite their response ... they did not produce the file within the
time required by law, and they will not now estimate when the file might be produced or even confirm that an effort has been
initiated to retrieve a copy from the microfilm at the Texas archives," the lawsuit says.
In the absence of any privacy objection by the president and in light of the importance of the file's release
in advance of the November election, says the lawsuit, AP seeks a court order to compel the release of records "that are being
unlawfully withheld from the public."
And the item goes on with
details of custody and authority and such.
Now this is odd. Such a suit, filed in the years since the September 11 attacks, should have made everyone jump up and scream
the AP was being unpatriotic, undermining the president, supporting the terrorists – that the AP hated America and all
the rest. The times have now changed.
course I’m not clear about the Federal Freedom of Information Act. I thought
it had been superceded by provisions of the Patriot Act - rendering it null and void.
Maybe not.
Rick’s reaction?
No, as far as I know, the Freedom of Information Act hasn't yet been superceded. Then again, we live in times in which all sorts of things you thought you could always count on seem to
come and go in the night while we're sleeping, without prior notice and not nearly enough fuss or understanding paid them
afterward. ("Back to your homes, citizens!
Nothing going on here! We just need to borrow a few of your constitutional
rights and protections for a while! But they will be returned to you once we
determine that this crisis has passed! After all, there's a war on, in case you
hadn't noticed!")
Still, notwithstanding the specific mention in the AP suit of the timeliness factor in light of
the November elections, my recollection of the FOIA is that AP may finally get those materials just before the elections in
2008, and there will be nothing anyone can do about it. Oddly, when I worked
for The AP during the Vietnam War, the wire service was famous for reflecting the politics of its owners (newspaper publishers),
and therefore tended to support whatever a current administration wanted them to. But
this lawsuit looks like a healthy sign.
But I do contend that what anyone
did during the Vietnam War era will probably continue to be a non-issue in this campaign, and here's why:
The Democrats,
desperately seeking someone who looked "electable," trotted out a Vietnam War hero -- not because Democrats are genuinely
impressed with war heroes, but because they thought it would neutralize a "wartime" president who seemingly not only used
his father's influence to weasel out of going to Vietnam, but apparently also weaseled out of serving all of his alternative
Now, the problem with this plan is that, (a) although it makes
Democratic voters feel good that their guy doesn't just talk the talk but, as his record shows, actually did walk the walk,
(b) Republican voters don't really care about how you may have walked back then, they care only about how you talk right now. In other words, Kerry talks like a wimpy Democrat, not a tough-talking Republican,
so who cares about his history? To this dilemma for the Democrats, you can add
that (c) Independent swing voters, who will be the ones to decide the election, just don't care about this issue either way;
they just want to know which guy is best for the economy.
What's interesting
about the Democratic 2004 plan is that it mirrors the Republican plan of 2000, in which Bush made himself available as the
likely "electable" candidate very early on, arguing that he was a "compassionate conservative".
But, I further contend, that ploy was not really as foolproof as it looked either, since the word
"compassion" is not a word used by liberals as much as by conservatives, and derogatorily at that (e.g., "We conservatives
don't measure our compassion by how many losers we can get onto the welfare rolls!")
Then again, the approach did
serve the purpose of getting fellow conservatives to think that Bush could pull a Clintonesque "triangulation" trick, which
made him look "electable" enough to chase other Republican candidates off the field early, thusly avoiding the "seven dwarves"
syndrome that so often befalls out-of-power parties in election years.
always imagine some conservative, as he first heard the phrase, asking nobody in particular, "'Compassionate Conservative?'
What the hell is that supposed to mean?!? 'Compassionate'? ... Oh! Oh, yeah! Yeah, that's right, our guy is not only a 'Conservative,' he's a 'Compassionate' one! Ha! Let's see them top that one!")
you may be asking, "but since he won, I guess the ploy worked for Bush after all, didn't it?"
Maybe, but maybe not. Ask yourself this: Which candidate got the most votes?
Only with the help of the famous fickle finger of fate -- not to mention a cartel of carpetbagging protestors in Florida
and "activist judges" (see note) in Washington-- did the Republicans finally squeak through.
So this time around, just maybe the Democrats will get as lucky.
- Rick
Note: I find that every time I hear George W. Bush rant about
"activist judges," the term "shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you" comes to mind.
So I gather the AP lawsuit
is (1.) a good sign – the press it waking up. But (2.) it won’t achieve
its goal in time to matter to anyone. And (3.) even if it did produce these military
records in the next few months, it wouldn’t matter to anyone. Everyone
had made up his or her mind about all this stuff long ago, or, if not, doesn’t much care.
One in three isn't bad.

