
Barack Obama, the rising
star of the Democratic Party, gave the one speech that turned heads at the Boston convention this week. Most everyone has commented on it. And he hasn’t been
elected to any office yet, although he is now running unopposed for the open Senate seat from Illinois. His opponent dropped out after it was revealed that his glamorous Hollywood wife divorced him partly because
he kept insisting she would really enjoy naked hot monkey sex with him in front of large crowds at sex clubs. She suggested she wouldn’t like that at all. Oh well. Obama was far ahead in the polls anyway. The
Illinois Republicans then tried to the run Mike Ditka, the former Chicago Bears football coach with the notoriously short
fuse. But Ditka stepped away. There
was some talk of the Republicans trying to get Ted Nugent to run – the former rock star, avid hunter and NRA guns-for-everyone
enthusiast. He hates wimps and girly-boys too.
But that went nowhere. So Obama will win the seat.
Barack Obama
is the son of black African exchange student and a white woman, and a bit of an overachiever – as in Harvard Law School
and President of the Law Review. His paternal grandfather herded goats in Africa. Beat that story, Horatio Alger! Now he
is said to be presidential material – articulate, charismatic, generous, thoughtful, and positive - maybe our first
black president somewhere down the road. That is possible.
The speech
itself was amazing – but so many have dissected it that a review seems unnecessary.
The meme of the day is that Obama managed to appeal to everyone, and to everyone’s better nature, whether lefty
liberal Democrat or born-again gays-are-evil Christian Republican.
The full text is here: Barack Obama's Remarks to the Democratic National Convention The New York Times - Published: July 27, 2004
If there is one part of this speech that merits some
comment it is this:
If there is a child on the south side of Chicago who can’t read, that matters to me,
even if it’s not my child. If there’s a senior citizen somewhere who can’t pay for their prescription drugs,
and has to choose between medicine and the rent, that makes my life poorer, even if it’s not my grandparent.
If there’s an Arab American family being rounded up without benefit of an attorney or due process, that threatens my
civil liberties.
It is that fundamental belief, it is that fundamental belief, I am my brother’s keeper, I am
my sister’s keeper that makes this country work. It’s what allows us to pursue our individual dreams and yet still
come together as one American family.
I suspect that is where
he lost the conservative Republican folks.
Cain kills his brother Abel – and asks God if he is, really, his
brother’s keeper. The answer is clear-cut.
Yes, you are, you fool. What were you thinking?
I suspect
that is one part of the Biblical narrative where a lot of the conservative right says, well, sometimes the Bible is wrong
– not often – but sometimes it is.
How can you blast those who propose a “mommy government”
with all sort of freebie benefits keeping people feeling like victims and dependent and lazy - when they should get off their
fat asses and take care of themselves – if you buy into this idea that you might actually be your brother’s keeper? This does not match up with the concept of “personal responsibility” very
much at all. And how can you propose “tough love” - cutting welfare
and stopping unemployment benefits for the good of these losers, so they actually are forced to do something productive –
if you are, in fact, your brother’s keeper. My conservative friend has
told me all these laws about fairness in hiring and education – all that civil right legislation that started with the
1964 Civil Right Act – is stupid. Good people with ambition will rise to
the top anyway. They don’t need such laws.
And those who aren’t good people, who are not assuming personal responsibility for their own lives, then, because
of such laws, just feel entitled to stuff everyone else has to earn on his or her own.
It’s not fair. In addition, such laws just hobble business and schools
that want to be, simply, what they want to be, no matter what “big government” thinks they should be or
says how they the think these business and schools should act – such laws take away their rights, to hire or
admit whomever they want. It’s not fair.
Barack Obama didn’t
win over these folks. He cited the wrong part of the Bible.
In general,
the right immediately had problems with this speech, as reviewed here by Jeanne at Body and Soul -
You had to work hard not to fall under the spell of that speech. Kevin Drum caught one fool at The Corner trying out the spin that, sure it was a good speech, but liberals don't really believe
all that stuff, they're just trying to put a nice face on their real beliefs. Tucker Carlson tried essentially the same
spin last night on CNN -- it was "nothing like the typical Democratic speech this year." In other words -- a sham, even
if it sounded good. By the end of that segment, even Carlson had figured out his spinning top had tumbled, so I suspect that
argument will disappear. A kinder, somewhat more rational version, however, is already taking its place. Andrew Sullivan's spin: What was great about the speech is that it was so Republican.
I love it. First you make up some nonsense about liberals
being faithless, irresponsible and politically correct, and then when a liberal demonstrates that your stereotype is pure
garbage, you don't question your stereotype, but instead try to create a world in which progressive values are really conservative
Hey, whatever works.
Thomas Frank has the last word here in the July 29 opinion pages of The Los Angeles Times.
Thomas Frank is the author of "What's the Matter With
Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America" - discussed in Just
Above Sunset - here July 18, 2004 - The Importance of Martyrdom to the Conservative Movement with a follow-up here.
The problem with Obama and the Democrats? The party doesn't get
it: Most voters hate what those people stand for.
Oh. That must be it.
Frank is arguing that whatever
Obama says, folks just don’t like what is happening in Boston.
Why? Too
may celebrities in view, of course. Blame Hollywood.
After all, as this party makes clear, when Hollywood stars decide to get out there and do their
patriotic duty and stump for the candidate of their choice, the candidates they support are usually Democrats.
somehow it never seems to help. Somehow this glitzy world of risque dresses, pseudo-transgressive stylings and velvet ropes
(i.e., the things that make up "creativity") has precisely the opposite effect on a huge swath of the American public. They
hate it, and they hate everything that Hollywood has come to stand for. After all, Hollywood stars are as close as America
comes to an aristocracy, and being instructed on how to be kinder and better people by pseudo-rebellious aristocrats can't
help but rub people the wrong way.
What the stars' Democratic allegiance illustrates for this segment of the public
is not the glamour of Democratic candidates but their repulsiveness and shallowness and insufferable moral superiority;
their distance from the historical Democratic base of average Americans. For them, Hollywood's superficial leftism only
validates the ludicrous claims of the Republicans to be the party of the common man.
I guess Ben Affleck and
Glenn Close should have stayed away. Whoopi Goldberg and Barbara Streisand did.
Bush is morally superior to them all? I suppose one could argue that
So the upcoming election campaign will be self-righteous optimists claiming moral superiority against realistic
cynics who say we should all be really, really frightened and not change horses in mid-stream because we all could die. It will be Dopey and Grumpy – and the assorted other five dwarfs of fear –
against the dull but earnest Lurch and the happy Breck Girl from North Carolina.
Barack Obama gave a good speech,
but he doesn’t count. It is not his time, yet.

